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comments to visitors

December 23, 2013

I just created this blog which is a page that allows me to communicate with the outside world; especially visitors to my website.

Visitors to the website, if they are interested,  can tell by the counter at the bottom of the main page, the number of visitors to the websidte.for example: When I logged onto my website this morning, I noticed that there have been 3808 visitors to the website since the website was created. I left the main page for a couple of minutes and when I returned sto the main page, I noticed that the counter indicated 3811 informing me that there had been three visitors during the time I had been away from the main page.  

Over time since I created this website there have been approximately two to three individuals visitors each day, so there must be some interest of some kind.

I haven't figured out how to allow visitor comments yet, but if any visitor wants to comment on the website there are two emails on the main page which would allow them to make a comment, However, peo[le in foreign countries sometimes can't communicte by email beczuse computer software prevents that.

I have a...

Posted at: 11:45 AM | Permalink

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